Comments About Ken Hanley
"…I just wanted to add my congratulations to your induction. When Danny told me some time ago that you were to be inducted – I thought it was great. I have had similar honors and I believe that you and I think and feel the same about a lot of things – including people. I am sure that you were humbled by all your friends being so delighted that you were given this honor which you richly deserve."
Lefty Kreh
Angling Ambassador (fly designer, author, instructor, and more!)
"…Unparalleled enthusiasm with a strong giving nature makes Kenny one of the most desirable and sought after teachers of fly fishing. Responsible and professional ethics are utmost criteria. Spending time with Ken is a great experience and motivational too!"
Bob Popovics
Owner of Popfleyes (fly designer, author, and lecturer)
"…One of the most patient men we know. He has a passion for his sport that is unrivaled. Learning from this master is easier than falling off a log. He makes fly fishing easy and gives it to you in a "no mystique" easy to understand language that keeps it fun. After all it's just fishing and that's what Ken does best."
Kate and Bill Howe
Owners of Classic Anglers (fly designers, lecturers, and instructors)
"…Ken’s resounding expertise in writing, photography, and speaking/instruction has been critical to the development and promotion of unique fishing destinations. He has worked with me to develop four tropical saltwater destinations in the Yucatan, two lake fisheries in Mexico, and one lake fishery in Manitoba Canada."
Keith Kaneko
Owner of Angling On The Fly (guide, travel agent, international angler)
"…Ken Hanley's approach and down to earth techniques for teaching make for an eye-opening fishing experience. His knowledge of the whole environmental cycle offers more than just catching fish. The ability to present this knowledge in an easy to understand format, to any angler, is what makes a mentor/teacher/guide like Ken a true gift to this sport."
Steve Cali
Owner of California Flys (commercial tier, international angler)
"…Ken is an instructor by nature and his approach to the surf zone has come by many decades of experience. He instructs through books, video, and seminars with his unique brand of enthusiasm and humor. Ken is a mentor for us all."
Jim Novak
Owner of Monterey Bay Fly Fishing Guide Service (guide and instructor)
"…Ken's clinics present a lot of great information, and are always entertaining and fun. You really get the experience you need to tackle saltwater fly fishing in all kinds of difficult environments - from the surf zone in Alaska to the back of a panga in Mexico. I can't think of a better way to tackle the steep learning curve for saltwater fly fishing."
David Yozie
"…I’ve known Ken since 1993. Saying he’s “passionate about teaching” would be stating it lightly. When he’s not teaching, Ken’s a student always wanting to learn more. It doesn’t matter whether he’s teaching a class on Fishing, Outdoor Survival, or anything else for that matter; Ken has to be one of the most exciting & energetic people to be around. If there were more teachers like Ken we’d have more people willing to get out there and learn new things."
Tony Papazian
"…Ken has a unique teaching method that begins with the biology and physiology of the fish and its forage. From there Ken introduces multiple techniques to present the fly to the fish, and adjustments that need to be made for wind, current, and structure. It’s a great experience that provides you with the tools to apply in many angling situations."
Kent Green
"…I love to fish with Ken Hanley because even when the bite is off we're still having a ball."
Hall Kelley
"…Ken is a great instructor. His lessons came together for me through what is best described as advanced 'fishing field craft'. This is the inter-relationship between different habitats, their resident species and the related practical fishing techniques. Also great was the incredible generosity of Ken and Jay in all matters fly fishing. For example discussing saltwater fly tying with Jay, a master tyer, is really fun or taking a look through Ken's fishing bag with him gives a real insight into fly fishing 'efficiency'."